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Papers Published
Dr. Sunder Rajdeep
  1. To check relevance of the advertisement on facebook profile pages. (The Research Journal of Social Science, Jalgaon, M.S. Oct. 2012, Issue-10, International Refereed Journal : ISSN 0976-06IX).
  2. An Analytical Study of Consumption Patterns of News of Young Netizens on Social Networking Site. (Information & Communication for development- Reach Impact, Opportunity and Challenges. Epignosis: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. January 2013, Issue 2. ISBN : 978-81-922163-2-4.)
  3. A Recipient View of Bupen Hazarika’s Musical    Video Songs. (International Journal of Contemporary Research in Management & Social Sciences. January-March 2013, Volume 2. ISSN : 2319-8117.)
  4. Evolution of Social Media and its impact on Indians Newspapers. (Media and Globalisation- A Journal of K.C. College, Charchgate, Mumbai. ISBN : 978-93-83842-64-3.)
  5. Mobile phones : a global solutions to Agricultural Communication. (Media and Globalisation- A Journal of K.C. College, Charchgate, Mumbai. ISBN : 978-93-83842-64-3.)
  6. Mass Media and Tribal Transformation in India. (A proceedings of a conference on Scheduled Tribes in India : Issues and Challenges in 21st Century; ISBN : 978-93- 84198-04-6 ).
  7. The no. of people reading physical newspapers have deteriorated with the advent of ‘Second Screen’. (A proceedings of a National level conference on ‘Journalism and Social Responsibility’. ISBN : 978-81-925956-9-6).

Daivata Patil
  1. Co-Authored a chapter published in an edited book titled “Media and Human Rights”. The chapter is on representation of transgender in Bollywood films with specific reference to Mahesh Bhatt’s films. Publisher: Dominant Publisher, New Delhi, 2015
  2. Research paper published in 2013-2014 issue of Almanac of Theoretical and Applied Studies of Advertising.
  • An international almanac published by Tambov State University, Russia
  • Paper Title: Audience attitude towards advertisements on YouTube
  • ISSN: 2218-7375
3. Research paper published in January 2014 issue of Media Watch, Vol.5, issue 1, p119-126.
    • An International Journal Research Journal in Communication and Media, which is published by Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI), Government of India.
    • Paper Title: Measuring Cultural Diversity- A study of Television Advertisements Telecast on Hindi GECs.
    • ISSN: 09760911 and Accession No: 93980967
    • The journal is approved/indexed by EbscoHost, Scopus, ELSEVIER, UlrichsWeb, CrossRef, IISI, Jstor, JGate, MIAR, ProQuest, and Indian Citation Index.
4.  Research paper published in a book compilation titled ‘Media and Globalization”.
  • The title of the paper is: The Economy of Public Participation on Internet as a Public Sphere
  • ISBN: 978-93-83842-64-3
  • Publisher: Excel India Publishers, 2014
5.  Research paper published in October 2012, Vol.7, Issue 1, issue of International Journal of Business and Retail Management, Research (JBRMR)
  • Published by Academy of Business and Retail Management, London, UK.
  • Paper Title: To study the role of perception of colors by consumers in consumer decision making process: a micro study of logos of select departmental stores in Mumbai city, India'.
  • ISSN: 1751-8202
  • The journal is approved/indexed by EbscoHost, Cabell publishing Inc, UlrichsWeb, ProQuest, ECONBIZ, ZBW,  RePEc, Portico and JGate.
6. Research paper published in June 2010, Vol. 8, Issue 1 issue of ‘Pragyaan: mass communication’
  • It is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal of IMS, Dehradun, India.
  • Paper Title:  Closed offline communities open up in virtual world.
  • Journal listed in Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, USA.
  • ISSN: 0974-5521.
7. Research paper published in Jan-Dec 2009, Vol. XLIV, No.1 issue of ‘Communicator’.
  • A quarterly national journal of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Government of India.
  • Paper Title: A study of public opinion on internet as public sphere: A case study of Tata Tea’s Jaago Re! Campaign.
  • ISSN: 0588-8093

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